😺 Bio

I am a second-year Ph.D. student at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of Prof. Beihong Jin(金蓓弘). I also receive supervision from Prof. Fusang Zhang(张扶桑). My research interest focuses on pervasive computing and UWB sensing.

🔥 News

04/2024 Two papers accepted by ACM IMWUT/UbiComp 2024.

07/2023 I was awarded the Outstanding Scholarship of 2022 Tencent Rhnio-Bird Research Elite Program. Thanks a lot to Prof. Beihong Jin, Prof. Fusang Zhang, Dr. Qiang Huang and Jiazhi Ni for their generous help.

📝 Publications


IMWUT/UbiComp’24 Push the Limit of Highly Accurate Ranging on Commercial UWB Devices

Junqi Ma, Fusang Zhang, Beihong Jin, Chang Su, Siheng Li, Zhi Wang, Jiazhi Ni

IMWUT/UbiComp’24 UWB-enabled Sensing for Fast and Effortless Blood Pressure Monitoring

Zhi Wang, Beihong Jin, Siheng Li, Fusang Zhang, Junqi Ma


IMWUT/UbiComp’23 Embracing Consumer-level UWB-equipped Devices for Fine-grained Wireless Sensing

Fusang Zhang, Zhaoxin Chang, Jie Xiong, Junqi Ma, Jiazhi Ni, Wenbo Zhang, Beihong Jin, Daqing Zhang


MobiCom’22 Demo Mobi$^2$Sense: enabling wireless sensing under device motions

Junqi Ma, Zhaoxin Chang, Fusang Zhang, Jie Xiong, Beihong Jin, Daqing Zhang.

MobiCom’22 Demo Involving ultra-wideband in consumer-level devices into the ecosystem of wireless sensing (demo video)

Junqi Ma, Zhaoxin Chang, Fusang Zhang, Jie Xiong, Jiazhi Ni, Beihong Jin, Daqing Zhang.

MobiCom’22 Mobi$^2$Sense: Empowering Wireless Sensing with Mobility

Fusang Zhang, Jie Xiong, Zhaoxin Chang, Junqi Ma, Daqing Zhang.

MobiCom’22 Experience: Pushing Indoor Localization from Laboratory to the Wild

Jiazhi Ni, Fusang Zhang, Jie Xiong, Qiang Huang, Zhaoxin Chang, Junqi Ma, Binbin Xie, Pengsen Wang, Guangyu Bian, Xin Li, Chang Liu.

IMWUT/UbiComp’22 Sensor-free soil moisture sensing using lora signals

Zhaoxin Chang, Fusang Zhang, Jie Xiong, Junqi Ma, Beihong Jin, Daqing Zhang.


IMWUT/UbiComp’21 Unlocking the beamforming potential of LoRa for long-range multi-target respiration sensing

Fusang Zhang, Zhaoxin Chang, Jie Xiong, Rong Zheng, Junqi Ma, Kai Niu, Beihong Jin, Daqing Zhang.

🎖 Honors and Awards

07/2023 Outstanding Scholarship of 2022 Tencent Rhnio-Bird Research Elite Program/2022腾讯犀牛鸟精英人才计划杰出学生奖学金(6/275).

11/2022 Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award of Beijing/北京市优秀本科毕业设计.

10/2022 MobiCom’22 Best Community Paper Award Runner-up.

10/2022 MobiCom’22 Best Paper Award Runner-up.

09/2022 IPIN’22 Indoor Positioning Competition(Track 7), First Place

06/2022 Outstanding Graduate of BUPT/北京邮电大学优秀本科毕业生.

11/2021 IPIN’21 Indoor Positioning Competition(Track 7), First Place

📖 Educations

09/2018 - 6/2022 B.E. in Information Engineering. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT), Beijing, China.

💻 Internships

06/2022 - 06/2023 Tencent Map, China. (Mentor: Dr. Qiang Huang, Jiazhi Ni)

09/2020 - 05/2022 Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

11/2019 - 08/2020 Peking University, China.